Am I a Fundamentalist Christian? - Part IV (Global Elite & Illuminati)
I think we may need to change the title of these posts as the subject seems to have moved away from the original topic. For now I'll stick to the title. This is then the third answer to Jaco's comments.
You make it sound as if the mainstream media has some hidden agenda to propagate organized religion. From your viewpoint I guess you could see it this way. From my view point I just see that the mainstream Afrikaans media is publishing what is important to most of their readers. Most Afrikaners are still Christians or at least were brought up in a Christian home. I must say that I recently discovered just how many Afrikaners has started compromising the Truth of the Bible by entertaining fundamental deviations. These includes heresies like, "Genesis 1-11 are not really true" and this coming from Jean Oosthuizen, the News Editor of Kerkbode, the newspaper of the NG Kerk (as you pointed out to me on Facebook).
While I'm reading your argument that the Global Elite / Illuminati is using organized religion to control the world and world population I cannot help to want to see the irony that many Christian Apologetics believes exactly the opposite. Dr. Kent Hovind was one such advocate that showed how the belief in Evolution and the general preaching of Naturalism causes human life to be less cherished and the result is adoption of things like Abortion and the false message that the World is overpopulated. He shows how the New World Order / Global Elite / Illuminati seeks to destroy millions of human lives and in general the destruction of all Fundamental Religion, especially Christianity.
I guess it is a matter what you believe you'll see. Because I believe the World seeks to reject all Christian beliefs and values, I tend to see how Christian values are being prosecuted in the modern world. As example the NG Kerk's decision to dismiss a gay employee. In some places in Europe churches are being taken to court for having signs that says "Repent your sins" or having conferences about Pornography or Homosexuality. I see how Christian morality is blatantly under attack by Television, Movies, Pornographic Magazines and institutions like Teasers, not the mention the recent Sexpo in Midrand and Cape Town! I also see how the very foundations of Afrikaner churches are being attacked by the "Nuwe Hervormers" and their ideas that questions the authority of the Bible as the Absolute Truth. I see how influential people like Jean Oosthuizen does not only question Genesis 1-11, but all super natural events in the Bible. I see how the very foundation of Christendom are being attacked by questioning of the super natural Resurrection of Jesus Christ! As I sit here, I have no doubt whatsoever that the Christian belief system is under attack by materialism and naturalism more than ever. When I see how modern liberal governments implements more and more laws against Christian beliefs, I tend to agree that the World Order / Global Elite is actually against organized Religion. Laws like legalizing Abortion, allowing Pornography, allowing gay marriages, banning death penalty, banning physical punishment of children, etc.
For me the fact that mainstream media still allows some Christian messages to be delivered is at least some hope that things may improve in future.
I guess you will see what you believe. You'll see all the things you mentioned earlier. How the Global Elite supposedly uses organized religion, etc.
I agree that America, Europe and a big part of South Africa has become more and more materialistic. I do however not agree that this is because of orthodox Christianity, in fact I believe the reason for this materialistic lifestyle is because of the abandonment of Christian believes for Naturalistic belief systems. I belief that the Big Money in the world wants people to borrow and spend money in masse. Christmas, Easter and even the Muslim Ramadan is being commercialized more and more. I wonder how many Christians still think of Jesus Christ during Christmas, instead of Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and presents.
With regards to your view that Atheists and Agnostics are being oppressed in America today, I can only repeat my observations at the beginning of this post. I see more and more how America is outlawing Christian values. I see how a Judge is forced to remove the Ten Commandments from his Court House, how Religion is outlawed in Schools and even how scientific proof of Creation vs. Evolution is kept out of schools. I see how more and more how modern western governments goes more and more against the core Christian values.
I say again that the Bible does not distinguish between different human races. The Bible does however makes it clear in the Old Testament that the Israelites are the chosen people of God. The Old Testament also states that the Jews should not marry people that does not believe in God and follows His laws. Race however is never mentioned except where a specific nation opposes God and His laws. In the New Testament Jesus Christ and His Apostles makes it very clear that all nations are part of His Gospel. I do however acknowledge that many so called Christians has misused these messages of the Old Testament to discriminate against other races and to motivate slavery, etc. The Apartheid governments of the old South Africa was one such government that misused the Bible for its political objectives. Keep in mind that the people that was against Apartheid also used the Bible to motivate why the discrimination against Blacks was wrong.
I am amazed that people still thinks the World and especially Africa is overpopulated. Yes there is a lot of poverty in Africa and some places in Africa definitely has way too much concentration of people. But there are vast stretches of fertile land, which is mostly uninhabited. Furthermore I don't doubt for a moment that if world trade was done fairly and the West (especially America) reduced their footprint on the World's resources, it would have been much different. Yes, it is definitely true that the colonial governments of previous centuries, forced subsistence farmers to work in mines and factories by forcing them to pay taxes, etc. But is it fair to blame this on the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Even if these colonial governments were Christians and did what they did in the Name of Jesus Christ and Christianity, it is still not what Jesus and His apostles preached. Not even close.
As for your argument about "Evil". God created Angels and Man because he had love to share. His Love could never be complete if we did not have our own free will. If God created us as robots that had no choice but to follow his laws and love Him back, we would not be much more that the rest of Creation. He did however create us with the ability to choose for ourselves and choose to love Him back. Yes, God is definitely responsible for creating beings that could love him back, that has a free will to decide for themselves. Unfortunately we choose to rebel against Him. Luckily for us, God's Love is unconditional and out of Love he gave us the Ultimate Sacrifice, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Lucifer, his followers and all the people that still rejects God will probably end up in a place devoid of all love, piece and God's presence, called Hell.
The more we debate these issues, the more I see how different we view this world. How we both feel (and observe) that people with our different world views are being prosecuted and discriminated against. We both see what we want to see.
You make it sound as if the mainstream media has some hidden agenda to propagate organized religion. From your viewpoint I guess you could see it this way. From my view point I just see that the mainstream Afrikaans media is publishing what is important to most of their readers. Most Afrikaners are still Christians or at least were brought up in a Christian home. I must say that I recently discovered just how many Afrikaners has started compromising the Truth of the Bible by entertaining fundamental deviations. These includes heresies like, "Genesis 1-11 are not really true" and this coming from Jean Oosthuizen, the News Editor of Kerkbode, the newspaper of the NG Kerk (as you pointed out to me on Facebook).
While I'm reading your argument that the Global Elite / Illuminati is using organized religion to control the world and world population I cannot help to want to see the irony that many Christian Apologetics believes exactly the opposite. Dr. Kent Hovind was one such advocate that showed how the belief in Evolution and the general preaching of Naturalism causes human life to be less cherished and the result is adoption of things like Abortion and the false message that the World is overpopulated. He shows how the New World Order / Global Elite / Illuminati seeks to destroy millions of human lives and in general the destruction of all Fundamental Religion, especially Christianity.
I guess it is a matter what you believe you'll see. Because I believe the World seeks to reject all Christian beliefs and values, I tend to see how Christian values are being prosecuted in the modern world. As example the NG Kerk's decision to dismiss a gay employee. In some places in Europe churches are being taken to court for having signs that says "Repent your sins" or having conferences about Pornography or Homosexuality. I see how Christian morality is blatantly under attack by Television, Movies, Pornographic Magazines and institutions like Teasers, not the mention the recent Sexpo in Midrand and Cape Town! I also see how the very foundations of Afrikaner churches are being attacked by the "Nuwe Hervormers" and their ideas that questions the authority of the Bible as the Absolute Truth. I see how influential people like Jean Oosthuizen does not only question Genesis 1-11, but all super natural events in the Bible. I see how the very foundation of Christendom are being attacked by questioning of the super natural Resurrection of Jesus Christ! As I sit here, I have no doubt whatsoever that the Christian belief system is under attack by materialism and naturalism more than ever. When I see how modern liberal governments implements more and more laws against Christian beliefs, I tend to agree that the World Order / Global Elite is actually against organized Religion. Laws like legalizing Abortion, allowing Pornography, allowing gay marriages, banning death penalty, banning physical punishment of children, etc.
For me the fact that mainstream media still allows some Christian messages to be delivered is at least some hope that things may improve in future.
I guess you will see what you believe. You'll see all the things you mentioned earlier. How the Global Elite supposedly uses organized religion, etc.
I agree that America, Europe and a big part of South Africa has become more and more materialistic. I do however not agree that this is because of orthodox Christianity, in fact I believe the reason for this materialistic lifestyle is because of the abandonment of Christian believes for Naturalistic belief systems. I belief that the Big Money in the world wants people to borrow and spend money in masse. Christmas, Easter and even the Muslim Ramadan is being commercialized more and more. I wonder how many Christians still think of Jesus Christ during Christmas, instead of Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and presents.
With regards to your view that Atheists and Agnostics are being oppressed in America today, I can only repeat my observations at the beginning of this post. I see more and more how America is outlawing Christian values. I see how a Judge is forced to remove the Ten Commandments from his Court House, how Religion is outlawed in Schools and even how scientific proof of Creation vs. Evolution is kept out of schools. I see how more and more how modern western governments goes more and more against the core Christian values.
I say again that the Bible does not distinguish between different human races. The Bible does however makes it clear in the Old Testament that the Israelites are the chosen people of God. The Old Testament also states that the Jews should not marry people that does not believe in God and follows His laws. Race however is never mentioned except where a specific nation opposes God and His laws. In the New Testament Jesus Christ and His Apostles makes it very clear that all nations are part of His Gospel. I do however acknowledge that many so called Christians has misused these messages of the Old Testament to discriminate against other races and to motivate slavery, etc. The Apartheid governments of the old South Africa was one such government that misused the Bible for its political objectives. Keep in mind that the people that was against Apartheid also used the Bible to motivate why the discrimination against Blacks was wrong.
I am amazed that people still thinks the World and especially Africa is overpopulated. Yes there is a lot of poverty in Africa and some places in Africa definitely has way too much concentration of people. But there are vast stretches of fertile land, which is mostly uninhabited. Furthermore I don't doubt for a moment that if world trade was done fairly and the West (especially America) reduced their footprint on the World's resources, it would have been much different. Yes, it is definitely true that the colonial governments of previous centuries, forced subsistence farmers to work in mines and factories by forcing them to pay taxes, etc. But is it fair to blame this on the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Even if these colonial governments were Christians and did what they did in the Name of Jesus Christ and Christianity, it is still not what Jesus and His apostles preached. Not even close.
As for your argument about "Evil". God created Angels and Man because he had love to share. His Love could never be complete if we did not have our own free will. If God created us as robots that had no choice but to follow his laws and love Him back, we would not be much more that the rest of Creation. He did however create us with the ability to choose for ourselves and choose to love Him back. Yes, God is definitely responsible for creating beings that could love him back, that has a free will to decide for themselves. Unfortunately we choose to rebel against Him. Luckily for us, God's Love is unconditional and out of Love he gave us the Ultimate Sacrifice, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Lucifer, his followers and all the people that still rejects God will probably end up in a place devoid of all love, piece and God's presence, called Hell.
The more we debate these issues, the more I see how different we view this world. How we both feel (and observe) that people with our different world views are being prosecuted and discriminated against. We both see what we want to see.
Labels: apologetic, capatilism, christian, creation, creationism, global elite, illuminati, world order