Monday, February 02, 2009

Am I a Fundamentalist Christian? - Part VIb

The second part of my response to Jaco' s comments.

Jaco said:"...causes adherents of this belief to have a childlike belief in something for which they can’t provide sufficient historical and scientific proof. If sufficient historical proof existed for the correctness of the four canonical gospels’ stories..."

Regarding historical and scientific proof of the life and supernatural events in the life of Jesus Christ, I can only say that I don't believe that there will be ANY evidence that will be acceptable to Atheists and Bible Skeptics. If I were to present a medical report, supported with x-ray photo's and other scientific data, of someone that had a disease or condition that is considered impossible to be cured of, but is now cured / healed via supernatural intervention, would that be sufficient proof at least of a Supernatural God? I do not believe that such medical report and evidence will convince even one Atheist. As to the ability to provide historical and/or scientific evidence of events that happened 200o years ago, it is very hard, if at all possible to proof it unequivocally. Each and every bit of archaeological evidence will have to endure the strongest possible skepticism of the strongest Atheists. Even though such evidence does exist, non will be accepted ever by Skeptics.

As for the gullible belief in Jesus Christ, perhaps I need to stet two matters here.
1. For some Christians (including myself) their faith in Jesus Christ is not based solely on the Bible and teachings of their parents, teachers and churches, but also on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Himself. This is something that I cannot even try to offer as scientific evidence, yet its more REAL to me as this laptop in front of me.
2. Atheists and many Evolutionists also blindly belief in things they have neither historical not scientific proof for. The list of these things are endless and a lot more that what I can even try to name here. Some reading can be done here. I have no doubt that the belief that life originated from non living things and evolved into more and more complex organisms, is a Religion, based on blind faith, no less that any other Religion.

Regarding different groups choosing to interpret the Bible to fit their political agenda, makes the people themselves wrong in most cases. If they truly study the teachings of Jesus Christ and even better seek a personal relationship with Jesus and listens to the Holy Spirit of God speaking into their hearts, they'll know what God's will is. Anyhow, the fact that these people incorrectly interprets the Bible, does not make the Bible less true.

If two people studying Shakespeare's works, agree on his intentions, does this put a question on the authenticity of his work?

As for sex outside of marriage. Many of the problems we see today in relationships and society in general, is because of children born outside of marriage and because people does not want to commit to a life long relationship. If you decide to engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, you, the other person(s) and possible children born out of such a relationship will carry the consequences of these acts. And to say that you have not had any negative effect of seeing pornography as a child makes just as much sense to me as a smoker claiming smoking has not done any harm to him.

Is it reasonable to expect someone to abstain from sexual relationships till they're married? Well, perhaps if one committed to this, one would be more motivated to succeed in finding a person to marry. But I still agree, that sexual awareness may start many years before one is actually ready for marriage. I believe that there are ways to deal with some of these desires, without engaging in sexual relationship outside of marriage. The details of which I'm not really willing to share in public.


Blogger Unknown said...

It seems that the Bible is very unclear about certain matters. If the Bible was clear and consistent, even non-believers would have had no difficulty in understanding the Bible’s message. Even the basic question "Is the geographical separation of different cultures and the prohibition of marriages between them non-biblical?" seems to be almost impossible to answer from a biblical perspective. A government supposedly based on Christian principles, would have a difficult time trying to convince its supporters and opponents of its "true" Christian character. What is the true value of a supposed divinely inspired book, if almost any opinion can be justified by selecting certain passages from it? The main inconsistency seems to be the differences between the Old and New Testaments. There seems to be a huge difference between the Father referred to by Jesus and the vengeful tribal god of the Old Testament. The Gnostics preferred the "unknown" God of Jesus. Orthodox Jews and Christian Identity people prefer the characteristics of the God of the Old Testament. The belief in the consistency and validity of the whole Bible seems to be the cause of a lot of disagreements between Christian fundamentalists. Perhaps they will never agree on the way certain parts of the Bible should be interpreted. I just find it unbelievable that the alleged "perfect" Creator of the Cosmos decided to use such a book as His guidebook for the whole of humanity.

12 February 2009 at 19:34  

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