South Africa and Africa

The Black triangle, now at the top, signifies the enemy that still desperately tries to drive a wedge between the people of South Africa, as he has done for so long. He tries to bring even more darkness to this continent, with all his weight he tries to drive the wedge, and as he realises he is not able to drive any further down, he tries even more desperately. But what used to be so easy for him, is now almost impossible. Previously driving the wedge was like driving it into soil, but now he has hit solid rock. The wedge became rock solid, not moving a millimeter.
Below the wedge is the Yellow section. I believe this signifies the glory of God. The rock that stops the darkness, is the glorious presence of the Almighty. In fact, the black wedge of darkness has not only stopped, I get the impression it might be starting to be lifted, even if ever so slightly initially, I sense this is the beginning of the end. The darkness is on its way out. Africa, your darkness is leaving. You are becoming the Continent of Light. Future generations will no longer know the term “Dark Africa”.
The Green in the middle is indicative of the harvest that is coming. No more drought, no more locusts devouring your harvest. A great great harvest is coming. Your children will no longer know hunger, in fact they will become providers. They will provide the World with food, both naturally and spiritually. Even though they will feed the hungry in the World as you become the bread basket, they will also feed those who are starving spiritually. I see how your children serves the Bread of Life to the hungry. You will become the Continent of Love, the Continent of Peace and the Continent of Hope. The world will admire you and seek your help desperately.
Oh, I see the Red as a reminder of so many that were oppressed. So many fell victim to bloodthirsty power mongers, oppressors from elsewhere, but also from within. The ancient enemy of God has been the greatest oppressor of all. His forces of darkness has brought so much bloodshed, so much hardship and so much pain. And yet, you never gave up. You persevered. And as the Lord of Compassion has counted every teardrop of everyone of your children, the Lord of Hosts has also counted every drop of innocent blood that was shed on your soil. The revenge is not yours, but the Lord of Hosts shall avenge every drop, He will hold His enemy accountable for every drop of blood. I sense that even those that has not accepted the sacrifice of His Son, may be held accountable before the throne of God. As your soil is drenched in blood, your wounds will be healed by the Blood of the Lamb. The Healer of all will bring healing to your land and the past will no longer hold you back, but it will remind you of the grace of the Almighty.
The Blue signifies cleansing water. Not only will you be washed clean, but your land will be saturated by the anointing of the Holy Spirit of God. The fountains of heaven will pour down Living Water all over your land. Oh South Africa, you shall drink and drink until your thirst have been quenched, Africa, you shall be baptized in the living Waters of the Spirit. You shall be washed and washed by His presence until you become as clear as a mountain spring.
The White signifies the Beautiful Bride you will become. No longer will you be the ugly duckling of the World, no longer will they pity and laugh at you. Oh no, they will be blown away by your beauty. You will become a pure and beautiful Bride, anxiously waiting for the Bridegroom. As the World marvels at your beauty, her daughters will look up to you and strive to be like you. They will start cleansing themselves, they will ask for help as they also start preparing for their Beloved King to come.
Oh Continent of Africa, arise! Arise from your past! You will be the Bearer of Hope, you will be the Bringer of Life. You will be the Continent of Light.
Labels: africa, glory, jesus, prosperity, revival, south africa