The Word

Friday, December 26, 2008

Am I a Fundamentalist Christian? - Part IV (Global Elite & Illuminati)

I think we may need to change the title of these posts as the subject seems to have moved away from the original topic. For now I'll stick to the title. This is then the third answer to Jaco's comments.

You make it sound as if the mainstream media has some hidden agenda to propagate organized religion. From your viewpoint I guess you could see it this way. From my view point I just see that the mainstream Afrikaans media is publishing what is important to most of their readers. Most Afrikaners are still Christians or at least were brought up in a Christian home. I must say that I recently discovered just how many Afrikaners has started compromising the Truth of the Bible by entertaining fundamental deviations. These includes heresies like, "Genesis 1-11 are not really true" and this coming from Jean Oosthuizen, the News Editor of Kerkbode, the newspaper of the NG Kerk (as you pointed out to me on Facebook).

While I'm reading your argument that the Global Elite / Illuminati is using organized religion to control the world and world population I cannot help to want to see the irony that many Christian Apologetics believes exactly the opposite. Dr. Kent Hovind was one such advocate that showed how the belief in Evolution and the general preaching of Naturalism causes human life to be less cherished and the result is adoption of things like Abortion and the false message that the World is overpopulated. He shows how the New World Order / Global Elite / Illuminati seeks to destroy millions of human lives and in general the destruction of all Fundamental Religion, especially Christianity.

I guess it is a matter what you believe you'll see. Because I believe the World seeks to reject all Christian beliefs and values, I tend to see how Christian values are being prosecuted in the modern world. As example the NG Kerk's decision to dismiss a gay employee. In some places in Europe churches are being taken to court for having signs that says "Repent your sins" or having conferences about Pornography or Homosexuality. I see how Christian morality is blatantly under attack by Television, Movies, Pornographic Magazines and institutions like Teasers, not the mention the recent Sexpo in Midrand and Cape Town! I also see how the very foundations of Afrikaner churches are being attacked by the "Nuwe Hervormers" and their ideas that questions the authority of the Bible as the Absolute Truth. I see how influential people like Jean Oosthuizen does not only question Genesis 1-11, but all super natural events in the Bible. I see how the very foundation of Christendom are being attacked by questioning of the super natural Resurrection of Jesus Christ! As I sit here, I have no doubt whatsoever that the Christian belief system is under attack by materialism and naturalism more than ever. When I see how modern liberal governments implements more and more laws against Christian beliefs, I tend to agree that the World Order / Global Elite is actually against organized Religion. Laws like legalizing Abortion, allowing Pornography, allowing gay marriages, banning death penalty, banning physical punishment of children, etc.

For me the fact that mainstream media still allows some Christian messages to be delivered is at least some hope that things may improve in future.

I guess you will see what you believe. You'll see all the things you mentioned earlier. How the Global Elite supposedly uses organized religion, etc.

I agree that America, Europe and a big part of South Africa has become more and more materialistic. I do however not agree that this is because of orthodox Christianity, in fact I believe the reason for this materialistic lifestyle is because of the abandonment of Christian believes for Naturalistic belief systems. I belief that the Big Money in the world wants people to borrow and spend money in masse. Christmas, Easter and even the Muslim Ramadan is being commercialized more and more. I wonder how many Christians still think of Jesus Christ during Christmas, instead of Santa Claus, Christmas Trees and presents.

With regards to your view that Atheists and Agnostics are being oppressed in America today, I can only repeat my observations at the beginning of this post. I see more and more how America is outlawing Christian values. I see how a Judge is forced to remove the Ten Commandments from his Court House, how Religion is outlawed in Schools and even how scientific proof of Creation vs. Evolution is kept out of schools. I see how more and more how modern western governments goes more and more against the core Christian values.

I say again that the Bible does not distinguish between different human races. The Bible does however makes it clear in the Old Testament that the Israelites are the chosen people of God. The Old Testament also states that the Jews should not marry people that does not believe in God and follows His laws. Race however is never mentioned except where a specific nation opposes God and His laws. In the New Testament Jesus Christ and His Apostles makes it very clear that all nations are part of His Gospel. I do however acknowledge that many so called Christians has misused these messages of the Old Testament to discriminate against other races and to motivate slavery, etc. The Apartheid governments of the old South Africa was one such government that misused the Bible for its political objectives. Keep in mind that the people that was against Apartheid also used the Bible to motivate why the discrimination against Blacks was wrong.

I am amazed that people still thinks the World and especially Africa is overpopulated. Yes there is a lot of poverty in Africa and some places in Africa definitely has way too much concentration of people. But there are vast stretches of fertile land, which is mostly uninhabited. Furthermore I don't doubt for a moment that if world trade was done fairly and the West (especially America) reduced their footprint on the World's resources, it would have been much different. Yes, it is definitely true that the colonial governments of previous centuries, forced subsistence farmers to work in mines and factories by forcing them to pay taxes, etc. But is it fair to blame this on the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Even if these colonial governments were Christians and did what they did in the Name of Jesus Christ and Christianity, it is still not what Jesus and His apostles preached. Not even close.

As for your argument about "Evil". God created Angels and Man because he had love to share. His Love could never be complete if we did not have our own free will. If God created us as robots that had no choice but to follow his laws and love Him back, we would not be much more that the rest of Creation. He did however create us with the ability to choose for ourselves and choose to love Him back. Yes, God is definitely responsible for creating beings that could love him back, that has a free will to decide for themselves. Unfortunately we choose to rebel against Him. Luckily for us, God's Love is unconditional and out of Love he gave us the Ultimate Sacrifice, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Lucifer, his followers and all the people that still rejects God will probably end up in a place devoid of all love, piece and God's presence, called Hell.

The more we debate these issues, the more I see how different we view this world. How we both feel (and observe) that people with our different world views are being prosecuted and discriminated against. We both see what we want to see.

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Monday, December 08, 2008

Am I a Fundamentalist Christian? - Part III

My answers to another comment by Jaco on my previous answers to his questions follows.

I agree to quite a bit of your first paragraphs. I agree that people tend to believe and accept Television and mainstream media far too easy, sometimes without the slightest opposition or questioning. With regards to Barack Obama being elected above John McCain and Sarah Palin, I believe that George Bush has done irreparable damage to the Republican Party and their hope to have a member as the American President. And John McCain did not do very well at proving he'll be much different either. I don't know enough about Sarah Palin and what she said to really comment. She did look like someone that might not really know enough regarding foreign affairs and international relations. Personally I think she was used in an attempt to attract the supporters of Hillary Clinton away from the Democrats. The fact that she suggests Young Earth Creation to be taught in schools alongside the theory of Evolution, made me want to jump for joy! At last someone not too afraid to question the theory of Evolution. More interesting however was the media's reaction to it. Two (of many) interesting articles on her and Creationism in the media. If you look at the reaction against her remarks coming from the mainstream media, do you really think the media is bias towards organised religion? If this is the reaction to a politician, what do you think happens to your scientific career when you dare question Evolution and long ages? And then you'll ask be where are all the politicians and scientists that believes in a Young Earth!

I share your sentiments on the use of sport and sensational news to divert the people's attention from the real important threats of society and governments. To divert them from caring for each other, helping each other, building a healthier more loving society, as preached by Jesus Christ. I agree on the "possibility of a coming One-World totalitarian dictatorship", but definitely not that organised religion is behind it. Perhaps some denominations, like the Roman Catholic Church, especially in ancient Europe, but not Charismatic believers in Jesus Christ seeking the truth in the Bible, not the Pope or some government.

So many times are "The West" or "America" confused with true followers of Jesus Christ. "Consumerism" and a lot of the bad things said about Christians are done by Americans, Europeans and Westerners that does not even have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That hardly ever attends Church or if they do, it is only to be seen, not really because they are seeking God's Word and fellowship with other Christians.

As for "Overpopulation". What is the solution? Should we start killing people? How about we start with the ones that complains about "overpopulation"? Or does the solution lie in killing millions and millions of innocent unborn babies?

If it weren't for the unfair trade practices of "The West" and corrupt governments, there will be no shortage of food at all. How is it that America and Europe consumes many times more resources than China and India which are far more densely populated? Do you say the world is overpopulated? Even when tonnes of food are discarded or left to rot in the fields because of an unrealistic price for it? Africa is probably one of the continents with the largest number of poor and starving people, yet Africa has a whole lot more potential to produce food that is currently being produced. Who's fault is this? America = The West = Christians = Jesus Christ?

"...homosexuality, pornography, abortion and euthanasia..." are not the cause of the problems of this world. They are a symptoms of the world's disregard for the Word of God, His Book of guidelines for a prosperous life. The cause of the problems is the disregard of the Word of God. Pornography and other forms of immorality are the cause of broken marriages, single parents, disregard for the value of life and the lives of children (born and unborn).

My belief is that "...the partnership between organized (Atheism) and the Global Elite perpetuates the exploitation and suffering in all countries under their influence. I therefore also believe that fundamentalist (Atheism) poses a threat to the welfare and progress of society."

Regarding the similarities between my beliefs and those of "organised religion", does the fact that I agree with the Pope, Hendrik Verwoerd, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther and Benny Hinn that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Almighty God, automatically make me agree with all the other things they said or did?

I am sure you agree with most if not all of what Richard Dawkins says? Do you also agree that life did not start by accident on Earth, but that it was brought here by some alien life? Although he denies that this "Alien life" could be God? And all he knows about this "Alien Life" is that it was not created by a super natural God? And the "mainstream media" regards him as one of the greatest minds of modern times! Is it only me rolling on the floor laughing?

Regarding your question:"Could the people of Europe have been more spiritual and less materialist if their ancient pagan beliefs were not replaced by organized Christianity?" It is my belief that if they believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His message as in the Bible, they would have been a lot "more spiritual and less materialist". If they were not influenced by Dawinism and Molecules-to-Man evolution, they would realise that they were created in the Image of God, and have valued life a whole lot more. They would have realised that the Bible NEVER mentions different human races. Anyhow, their "ancient pagan" beliefs are a lot more conservative than liberal atheists, mostly because these ancient cultures came from the grand children of Noah after the Tower of Babel. These cultures spread all over the world and what they were told by Grand Dad Noah, got modified and changed generation after generation, but still kept some core values of what a healthy society should look like.

Interesting argument you make about the existence of Evil to be proof that there is no God. Perhaps I should ask, what is Evil? How do you define Evil? How do you determine if some act or some person is Evil? What is your basis for Morality? Evil can only be defined in terms of what is Good, can it not? What is your criteria for Good? On what basis do you decide murder, rape, theft, etc. is Wrong?

I believe in the Bible as the Word of God. The basis of my Morality is His Word. The reason why I think murder, rape, theft, etc. is wrong and evil, is because God said so. He knows that those are things that are not good for the children He loves. Again, what is your criteria when you decide something is good or bad?

To understand the following explanation as to why there is still Evil in this world, you need to fully understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the Gospel of Jesus Christ is "foolishness" to the gentiles, according to the Bible. But I'll still give my interpretation of it for the record.

  1. God created the Universe, Earth, Man and the Angels in Heaven, perfectly. No Evil, no Death, nobody and nothing Bad.
  2. God decided to give the Angels and Man a free will. Without the choice to follow and love, one cannot be a follower and one cannot love.
  3. Lucifer, one of the Angels, decided to rebel against God. How stupid can you be?
  4. Lucifer with all his followers (all angels) were cast out of heaven and were made less than Man. This by the way happened AFTER the Creation Week.
  5. The devil (Lucifer) then wanted to get back at God by making his most priced created being, the Children made in His Image, rebel against Him.
  6. Adam (Man) believed the lies of the devil and did not correct his wife, Eve. By doing so, he brought separation between God and Man (and his descendants). His actions cursed the whole Universe and brought Death into the World. How stupid can you be!!!?
  7. God did however decide not to destroy Man and the World immediately, but His law stated that Sin will bring Death, and since He is a God of Absolute Integrity, he does not even bend or break His own laws.
  8. Although Man was now cursed and Death came to this World, they still lived much better lives than we do today. Man and animal were all vegetarian and they lived very long lives. Their DNA were almost perfect still, which is why Cain could marry a close relative, probably his sister, with no bad consequence. Even Abraham married his half sister. It was only in the time of Moses and the Israelites when Man's DNA has degenerated so badly, that marrying close relatives increased the danger of inheriting the same bad gene from both parents and thus having disastrous consequences.
  9. But God had already made a plan to save Man from eternal death, as Man deserved from rebelling against God.
  10. Unfortunately things became much worse and about 2500BC, God decided to wipe out the whole Earth, except for 8 people and 1 pair of each Kind of Animal (and 7 of some "clean" animals). The rest of the world were destroyed in a World Wide Flood. The result of this world wide flood are millions and millions of dead things buried in rock layers all over the world. Together with huge canyons, bend rock formations, etc.
  11. About 2000 years ago, God sent His only Son, to give us an example of how He wanted us to live, to teach a few people about His Gospel and then He got crucified to die for all of Mankind's sins against God. God did not bend or break His law, He decided to pay dearly for the sins of Man and thereby saving his children from eternal death.
  12. When Jesus Christ was resurrected super-naturally, Death was conquered and thereby Evil as well.
  13. Why God allows the devil and his followers to still roam the earth between His Resurrection and His Second Coming, I do not know. I have some ideas, but those are mine. Fact is, God allows the devil to still roam the world, but one day Jesus Christ will return, and it will be the end of the devil's reign in the world.
  14. Because of the Law God made when the Universe was still perfect, the people that does not accept Him and still does not accept His Son as their Saviour, will still face internal death.
  15. I am however free to decide. I am free to decide to do Good or Bad. I am free to decide to follow Jesus Christ or reject Him. I will however carry the consequences of my decisions, because God will never as much as bend one of His laws.
Thus, Evil is in this World because God gave us and the Angels a free will. Not because He does not exist. If God does not exists, then what is your definition of Evil?

Lastly, concerning your comment:"If a husband cannot love his wife if he likes to look at or fantasize about other naked women, it implies that the majority of the married men I whom I know, don’t really love their wives." Let me rephrase, to say what I mean: A man that fantasize about any women other than his own wife, cannot even hope to have a marriage as happy as God intended for them. Any man thinking that fantasizing about other women does not damage or at least limit his relationship with his wife, must be as "brilliant" as Richard Dawkins.

ps. To the Christians out there that thinks the debate around the origins of the Universe and the debate about a thousands of years old Universe and Earth vs. a billions of years old Universe and Earth is not important, read through the "Am I a Fundamentalist Christian" posts on this blog and their comments and tell me what you think.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Am I a Fundamentalist Christian? - Part IIb (Young Earth)

As promised in my earlier post, here with the last set of answers related to Young Earth Creation vs Old Earth and Evolution. This post will attempt to answer the last piece of Jaco's comment.

Jaco asks:"If there is so much evidence for the truth of “Young-Earth Creationism” why is it not accepted by most members of the international scientific community?". My question is who is "the international scientific community?" Who decides if a scientist is a member of "the international scientific community?" How is it decided if a scientist is a member of "the international scientific community?".

A recent documentary by Ben Stein, Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed, shows how "the international scientific community" today does not tolerate any scientist who dares to question Darwinism, Big Bang Theories and Long Ages.

A good summary regarding the topic is also available at CMI. I'll only list a few observations and answers to Jaco's questions, but this web-site has quite a comprehensive discussion around the topic. If you have the time available, feel free to inform yourself.

For my answer to Jaco's question and the others on the same page. Many well known scientists till a few decades ago were Young Earth Creationists, in fact most of the significant scientific breakthroughs of the last few centuries were made by scientists that believed in a Young Earth, created by God about 4000 BC. In the last few years, there has been more and more pressure to allow only naturalistic explanations for what we see today. This caused more and more scientists to look through different set of pre-beliefs at current evidence.

There are however an increasing number of scientists (some are even atheists and other non-Christians) that questions various aspects of Long Age theories. It is however unfortunate that the moment a scientist openly questions Long Ages (Big Bang / Molecules-to-man evolution) he / she is denied access to scientific journals and magazines like Science, Nature, National Geographic, etc. His/her career then usually also ends at whichever university or scientific institution.

A good summary of the bias for naturalistic explanations alone can be found in Professor Richard Lewontin's words here. Is Science not supposed to explore all possible answers and explanations?

In my opinion most Evolutionists are more fundamentalisticly religious than any Christian or Muslim can ever hope to be. Plus their religion is funded by most governments of this world.

So what about many Churches, Christians and even Christian Scientists, accepting the Molecules-to-Man Evolution Theory and the Theory of the Big Bang? Many Christian leaders decided to compromise the simple reading of the Bible with very creative Theology. Even today, many Church leaders are still afraid of being branded as someone opposing Science. They use all sorts of verses from the Bible out of context to try to fit the Bible into their perceived "evidence" of an Old Earth and Universe.

Richard Dawkins' book, based on opinions and No Scientific evidence, can be found under "Science" in almost any book store. All Creation Science books (mostly based on Scientific evidence and lost of cross references to scientific articles) will be found under "Religion".

In fact, the media and evolutionists continues to re-brand all Creation vs. Evolution debates as "Religion vs. Science" debates. This way, they slowly but surely makes sure that any scientists, deep down knows, that he does not dare include Young Earth possibilities in interpreting evidence or experimental results.

Most Church leaders (The Pope, traditional "fundamentalist" Afrikaans Church leaders, etc.) is still not aware of the scientific (as well as theological) problems with long ages and molecules to man evolution. This is however changing surprisingly fast.

If you like reading there are tons of books and online articles available at If you'll rather watch videos, you can either order some from the same web-site or have a look at